Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wow Child support

Wow 2010!
Happy New Year!!!!!!
Well I finally got a child support court date. It took 14 YEARS to get it. But I finally got it.

Now don't be fooled. I am not expecting to ever receive a payment.
But the fact that an order will be legally filed that the douche bag does OWE money is really all I want and I know that is all I will really get.

The court date isn't until March 3rd. During that time I have to figure out how to go about getting back child support ordered. It is not MY fault that it took 14 years. I filed when Kayla was 2 days old with the Cook County child support enforcement agency. THEY did not do anything during that time to get a support order established. IF they would have given me a court date 14 years ago then he would have been held responsible for paying it.
Because we were never married (THANK GOD) the only way you can get child support is going through the state. I DID that. THEY failed to do anything. SO it makes sense to me that he should have to pay from the date I filed NOT the date they decided to do something, right?


  1. I'm so happy for you, Tracey!! That's awesome!

    Lilli's father was ordered to pay child support (he's in prison and the order was made from there). He has to pay a whopping $25 a month (which doesn't even pay for one freakin' shoe). Of course, since he doesn't have a job, he doesn't have to pay yet, but I think he's supposed to pay from the time the order was in place. I'm not holding my breath on ever receiving a dime though.

  2. yea I am not holding my breath on this either. They will screw it up. They always do.

