Monday, December 7, 2009

Ok so this whole I must blog everyday thing has really gone downhill lol
But I have been really busy!
Like last week child support enforcement and I become BFF's. they aren't too happy about it, but I am. I think I may buy best friend tee shirts for us!
Basically they still don't want to do anything with child support STILL. They told me last week that they couldn't get the go ahead to serve the SOB because the post office can not verify that he lives at the address I provided. Um WHAT? I am finding it REALLY hard to believe that the post office knows who lives at any house on any given day. Do they really keep a record of EVERY piece of mail they receive for your house? Is their some special alert that goes off when mail for your house has a new addressee on it? I find that hard to believe because we have been getting Cindy Albequercie's mail for YEARS! Yes Cindy if you are reading this, we have your mail!
But that is what they want to claim. Cindy and I aren't buying it.
So I argued a little. Then they told me the only way they can go ahead with it is if I fax a letter stating that the address provided to the office is his home address.
Um wasn't that the same thing I did before? like when they asked "do you have his home address?" and I replied "Yes", didn't that pretty much do the same thing when they had me write it down?
Anything to delay them doing their job I guess.
I did inform Mrs. Shitforbrains that I will be calling her every week to find out what progress she has made in the prior week. I want a full report on what steps have been taken for my child to get the money she deserves. And of course if my weekly phone calls to her and the governors office do not motivate them, then I told her I will come to her office at least once a week so we can discuss it face to face. I also informed her that they have slept on this case for almost 14 years. Naptime is over bitches. I am DONE.
I also emailed my senator, congressman, and states attorney.
I figure if I bug them enough they are going to do whatever they can to get rid of me.
I will NOT let this slide.
I filed 14 YEARS ago and still have never had a court date establishing support. What does that mean? Well that means that for the last 14 years that they have ignored my case, douchebag does not owe my daughter anything. Not a dime. And when I do go to court, he will owe from the day he got served. They blew me off for 14 years and now all the time for financial support is LOST.
I guess I can file for back child support on my own dime which I probably will after I get the first court date.
Right now it isn't even about the douchebag. It is about the state that has failed to do their job for 14 years. I am more concerned about being a pain in their ass right now.
other than that, the boys started basketball. they are doing really well.
I registered for school and have to get my financial aid stuff in order today.
Unemployment is a pain in my ass.
And it's snowing.

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