Saturday, April 25, 2009


Well I finally have a blog! It was a little difficult finding a name, however after discussing it with Johnny and Don this morning, I figured it out.
My Ducking Life
Oh Johnny and Don are my ducks. Well not officially *my* ducks, they live in our neighborhood and they come by about every other day. I will be sitting outside smoking (yes I failed at quitting) and they will come up to our porch and hang out with me. The kids like to tease me about it. Like today the boys came running in to tell me "Mommy your friends are outside asking for you!" First thought in my head was Oh shit! I am wearing a tank top and jammy pants, look like shit, gut hanging out, make up still on from last night and my hair was a mess. Please don't let this be someone from work stopping by or someone I like that will reevaluate our friendship after seeing my look this way. And PLEASE don't let it be that drunk ass neighbor with the dog that for some reason finds it to be a good idea to walk his dogs in our yard and scream about fucking them in the asshole at 3am outside my window (true story).

So I walk to the door and find my ducks! The boys of course laugh and remind me those are my only friends. Whatever lol

So I sat outside with Johnny and Don. Decided to take a few pictures of them since I have never taken any before.
Johnny is the girl duck (brown) and Don is the grayish duck. The boys named them last year when we had to save one of their babies that they left behind. After that incident I kind of shunned Johnny and Don, they were crappy parents that abandoned their baby when it couldn't keep up with their walk to the pond. The kids and I picked the duck up with a bowl and brought it to the pond so they could reunite. And of course I had some other unresolved feelings with Don because after Johnny gave birth, Don wasn't around them too much. He would stop in every once in a while but really was a deadbeat loser dad. But after a few weeks, Don came back to his senses and decided to be a good dad and reunited with his offspring.

However I haven't seen their kids in quite sometime, they must be away at college or something. Whats really cool is that they are always together. For the past 3 years, anytime you see Johnny, Don is right by her. They are obviously in a committed relationship and Don doesn't even look at the other duck whores in the pond.
So anyway I decided to name my blog My Ducking Life. Much better than replacing the D with an F right?

So anyway here is my blog. Where I will ramble about useless things or vent about the crap I am going through right now.

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