some very random things about me
1.When I drive, I have no clue where the front of the car starts and where the back of the car ends. It takes me at least 4 gear shifts between reverse and drive to get out and in of parking spaces
2. Douche bag is my favorite thing to call people
3.I am considering getting internet access on my phone JUST for facebook status updates
4.I dont think I own a complete matching pair of socks. Well I am sure I do but my socks haven't been a complete 100% match in months.
5. I quit smoking. It lasted a month without any cheating. I celebrated with a cigarette. I am smoking again.
6.I have an OBSESSION with eye lashes. I am about to start wearing fake ones if I could figure out how to not look stupid while wearing them.
7.I have dreams about my teeth falling out constantly. And not just falling out for no reason. i push them out forcefully with my tongue. I wonder if I am really pushing that hard on my teeth when I sleep?
ok thats it. Yay I posted something!
And I leave with this picture of Trystan on his first day of school. they game him a name tag to wear around his neck. So I made him turn his head and hold it up for a profile mug shot picture.
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